Monday, October 8, 2007

Love to Papa!

We had quite a scare this weekend, but thankfully Papa Lester is recovering better than we all hoped. It seems that Papa had an undiagnosed stomach ulcer (the size of a golf ball) that ruptured. Unfortunately this in combination with Papa being on blood thinners caused a disastrous situation. By the grace of God, an amazing specialist, and Nana getting Papa to the hospital before bad got worse, Papa survived. Honestly it was too close, even we are amazed with the medical technology.

So raise a stein of Coors light and say cheers to Papa! Way to stay strong old man! Papa is recovering at Arlington Memorial Hospital and spent 4 days in the ICU. Early this morning he was transferred to a new room. You know Papa is in good spirits because his Monday nights priorities were still aligned with watching the Dallas Cowboys... and nothing was going to stop him watch his football. (Nice game!)

The Zeiner household plans on visiting Papa this weekend. Zane will go on his first plane ride. Keep you posted.

All our love,
Los Zeiners

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