Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Going on a road trip...

Dear family and friends:

Prior to Mama Zeiner going back to work at the end of the month, we are about to take a HUGE road trip around the western United States. First we travel north to Oregon for a friend's wedding and then off to Moab, Utah for another National Park adventure. Afterwards we will drive to New Mexico to show off Zane to the Vandertulip family, and finally we will swing by LA to visit Grandma Nuki. We plan to be gone about 2 weeks, so you will not hear from us for a while... but you know us, we will have stories to post after we return.

Love to you all,
los Zeiners

P.S. We did add some new pictures to the month 4 album, check it out.


Jason said...

We live in Aliso Viejo now, we would love to meet you guys in LA. We are in our last class for MBA, its a weekend course. so we may be in class, but we will do our best. hmmm long run on for a soon to be MBA grad. Guess that's why I majored in Finance. huh?

tumtumyumyum said...

Pam does not know how to work comments, now she does. We can't wait to see Zane in like 4 days!

Pam and Katherine