Saturday, May 19, 2007

the 3 month old genius

We have been sleeping worse than usual these days, so I was sleeping late this morning. I woke up to Dianna saying, "Gus! you have got to see this!". I pulled myself out of bed and groggily stumbled into the living room. I walked in to see this:

Each wheel contains six different pictures, and this is the second independent time that he has aligned the wheels, so we think it's deliberate. It took him 6 minutes to align everything, and he did it very slowly and methodically, since his fine motor coordination is still emerging. I thought I'd do the experiment, and messed up his handiwork. He looked at me with a furrowed brow, then screamed at me and started crying. Dianna thinks that maybe Grandma Pesh's love for Las Vegas has a genetic basis, and got passed on to Zane. It's also possible that spending a week with Papa Lester is long enough to acquire a slot machine habit.

Is it unusual to enlist a 3 month old in Mensa?

We are in deep trouble.


Jason said...

that has to come from the lester side of the family.


Anonymous said...

I not sure about a gambling gene but I can tell you Nana Lester's organizational skills are definately at work.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that noticed he lined up musical notations? We have a composer!!