Tuesday, May 22, 2007

3 Month Birthday!

May 21, 2007

Latest stats:

Weight: 12 + lbs

Height: 22.5"

New things Zane can do this month: gives wet kisses, loves to play, gives lots of facial expressions and continually tries to communicate with baby talk, REALLY loves mama - definitely a mommy's boy, practices standing and balance a lot (look at picture below), mimics our facial expressions, shows preference for specific parts of Baby Einstein (he likes the monkey that blows bubbles)

It's hard to pin down one most amazing thing about the past month - a lot has changed. Outside of the fact that Zane is a genius, Zane is noticeably larger - having a much bigger head and longer legs. His personality turned on like a switch - transforming him from a cute lump into a cute interactive little guy. We had an awesome month and many posts were published describing our fun times. If you have not already done so, be sure to read the past stories.

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