Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Sunday!

So it is definitely time to catch up... sorry for the wait between posts, we know the grandmas and Aunts Tia and Erica are in withdrawl.

First and foremost, Zane is going to be a BIG brother! Mama Zeiner is 18 weeks pregnant, and she is finally feeling up to not napping with Zane during a Sunday siesta and to spend a moment writing on the blog. The Mama Zeiner blog is up and active again, so feel free to catch up on the details by clicking on the link.

From Zane is Two!

Today we had a wonderful Sunday, arranging the Grandmother's Day presents and spending the morning outdoors. We ate lunch at a Crepe place in Burlingame and experienced a Zane Zeiner first...

This is probably one of those stories, where to think it is funny you had to have been there but I will try all the same. Gus, Dianna and Zane are sitting at the table enjoying a great brunch. Zane is not always the easiest child to sit at a restaurant, his typical terrible two phase has made for quite a few times where we leave hardly eating our food, and rushing to pay for the check. But today was a lovely morning and Zane was in cute form. He was enjoying a bowl of fruit, while Mama and Dad Zeiner were amazed at how good the New Orleans style crab benedict was. All of a sudden Zane makes a strange sound, like nothing we have ever heard before. Both of our initial fears was that Zane was choking, but when you looked at him, he had a wide smile on his face. I asked, "what was that?" ...

... to which Zane simply replied "I burped!".

Mama laughed so hard, she chuckled for minutes in a giddy fit. Where may you have asked Zane learned such a thing? Does anyone remember the camp song "Hermy the Worm"? Hermy is a worm that eats everything in sight, grows bigger and bigger and then finally... burps. Zane loves the fake burp sound and always gets so excited he can hardly wait until the end of the song. So there you go... Camp John Marc, a place that has always had so many influences on me... has also taught my son how to understand a bodily habit, and a valuable lesson. Now, it is time to teach Zane "excuse me". =)

Other than this, our lives have been quite busy. Dad Zeiner has been writing a paper in the evenings and Mama Zeiner has been crashing early to try to catch up on much needed pregnancy rest. Zane is obsessed with Basketball and a $7 Nerf hoop on the back of our front door has become his favorite toy ever. Combine this with a gigantic playground set we received from Aunt Amy and Uncle Randy which has turned our backyard into a "park". We literally spend every waking moment entertaining Zane; beginning at 6:15am when he wakes up.... "basket hoop, Mama's turn" to immediately when we come home "swing at park". No complaints though, this has led to wonderful evenings eating outside because Zane refuses to come in off his swing. Luckily for us, we also have a basket hoop in the bathtub, so he willingly ends his day with a bath before bedtime.

Oh... and Mama Zeiner is teaching Zane how to swim. He loves the pool and we go at least twice a week. It brings back many fond memories of Papa teaching Charlie how to swim, and Zane is becoming quite the water baby. The pool is heated so the pictures are foggy.. but you get the idea.

From Zane is Two!

The picture at the top with Zane and Daddy was taken at Easter. More pics are uploaded into the 2 year web album. Enjoy!

All our love,
Los Zeiners

1 comment:

The Crosley Family said...

What a great way to spend Sunday! Zane is so cute!! And I love that you are teaching him how to swim.