Sunday, July 22, 2007

Zaneadu at 5 months

July 21, 2007 - What a momentous day! Today Zane tried "solid" food for the first time. Even though rice cereal does not sound too exciting, Zane loved it! There was food all over his face and mom and dad got a crash course in feeding from the resident pro -- Nana Lester.

With a new high chair and full excitement to be sitting at the dinner table with the family, Zane opened wide and took many bites.

By the end there was food all over his mouth and on the bib -- now I finally understand the utility of these things, but we are pretty positive at least some of it made its way into Zane's belly.

Fingers and all, Zane was a happy baby. What an amaZANE day!

Latest stats:
Weight: 13lbs 10oz
Height: 24.5inches

New things Zane can do this month:
Suck on toes
Move around the floor or playpen by arching his back and popping up
Loves to walk around (with assistance)
Splashes in bathtub
Blows bubbles in bathtub
Turn pages while reading a book
Holds bottle while feeding (with assistance)
Stomps on floor or table while standing
Kicks butterfly bells in playpen
Go to sleep by himself (sometimes)

1 comment:

lmansfield said...

Zane is getting cuter by the day! Savannah has been asking when she will get to see the little guy again. I remember way back when she first tried solids. It was one of the happiest, albeit messiest moments of her life. Yay for this milestone.