Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

As I woke up this morning for the 5am feed, I could not help but to think of all those mothers that came before me. Although the world has evolved to a much more household friendly place with washer and dryers, bathtubs and disposable diapers, motherhood stills reigns true to form. Its not easy... having your belly expand the size of a blimp, healing after birth, the constant feeding, diaper changes and crying, but on this Mother's Day none of that matters. I woke up this morning seeing how amazing my son is and how the miracle of life can only be described as that... a miracle.

Mothers are heroes and on this Mother's Day I deserve little credit. So many women in my life have influenced me to become the mom I am today. I give all of my heart and soul to them. I have been fortunate in my life to have known 5 grandmothers and 4 great-grandmothers. This is astonishing! For the ones that are still alive, I have already written them a letter to describe what they mean to me. As a homage to the ones that have passed I would like to briefly thank them for what I have learned. Some of the below text might seem juvenile, but it depended in what stage of my life that I knew them. A child sees differently than an adult. In order of passing:

Mama K- something as simple as buttons can make a child smile and they can make the best necklaces.

Nanny Charlene - never lose your vitality. Even at an older age you can still love and live life to the fullest. Lingerie makes you feel "youthful" at any age.

Nanny Petty - all it takes to be an awesome great-grandma is love. She truly wanted to know me and showed it in our gossip sessions, sleep overs, and beauty days.

Meemaw - to make grandchild happy it is as easy as always having sugar cookies... access to a pool is also fun.

Grandma Pesh - that in a short period of time, you can impact someone. Live life to the fullest and never be complacent. And shop, shop, shop!

Grandma Oleta - you can be stylish at any age and that reading really does keep you smart. When in Rome, you do not always have to act like a Roman. Way to go you Democratic Woman!

Being a mother is the most important thing I will ever do in my life. No other time can you have such an impact on the people in your life and the world around you. Motherhood is a beautiful thing.

To all the mothers out there, THANK YOU!
Dianna , a.k.a Charlie

P.S. If you have not already done so, make sure you read the new post below as well. 2 postings in one week. Just didn't want the cute pictures of Zane to be lost from viewing.

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