Yesterday was Zane's 2 month birthday. We celebrated with friends today by playing outside, going to the park and wiggling on the ground. It was a very stimulating day for Zane, and he tried to stay awake the entire afternoon. It was quite cute. The girl above is a friends' daughter named Savannah, to say the least Zane was enamored.

Weight: 10lbs 9.6 oz
New things Zane can do this month: Giggle, baby-babbling, starting to enjoy baths, Elvis face (he is really good at mimicking Gus), and sometimes sleeping for 4 hours throughout the night.
The best part of month 2 is Zane's personality is starting to develop, and he is such a sweetie. We are getting quite a few playful times during the day with lots of smiles and giggles. Zane is very expressive in his different voices, coos and cries. He lets us know when he is upset, but even more fun is when he lets us know that he is happy. Mommy and Daddy just melt!
Below is a picture that is too cute to be placed only in the photo album. Zane is 7 weeks old in this picture... ladies eat you heart out! Blonde hair and blue eyes... Dianna swears it was not the mailman...

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