Zane was delivered by C-section at 10:39 this morning. Both Dianna and Zane are doing great. Zane has been sleeping, eating, and cooing for the past few hours. Dianna was on her feet and walking around at 5pm, which I think is pretty incredible.
She truly is Wonder Woman.
Zane is 19 inches long, and weighs 6 pounds 15 ounces.
Much love to all, and thank you for all the support.

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Congratulations to the parents!!!! I can't believe how beautiful these pictures are, Dianna you look like the happier woman on earth :)
Welcome to the world little Zane, we love you already!!!!!!
That just incredible. Congrats to both of you on becoming parents!
Looks like the next generation of Arlington high Colts is on the way!
Jason Taylor
Michelle Barisdale
Hello, Precious!!! Welcome to the world and our family! I'm thankful you're healthy and gorgeous. Your mom threw up nearly everyday, had a bad case of kidney stones, and a sore back for weeks, but you are certainly worth every minute of discomfort. Both of you, but especially Dianna, did great job! Gus you deserve a metal for your support, patience, and understanding. (How many emergency trips did you have to make to the hospital?) Both of you are going to make great parents. My love goes to all.
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